Sunday 13 January 2019

Gentlemen of the Road

There used to be Men called "Gentlemen of the road" we used to call them Tramp's, I  remember my Dad telling me about them (1950’s), they were mainly Ex-Services Men who at the end of World War 1 and 2 couldn't go back home to their families because:- War had changed them, the Memories and shock of Battle had made them unable to cope with Family Life. Many were displaced servicemen who couldn't settle after experiencing War.
:- Many Single men couldn't find accomodation or work around their Home Town and had to move away.
:- Many had got used to life on the Road, being in the Armed Forces had equipped them with the skill of self sufficiency, taking care of themselves and the ability to Travel Light.
They all seemed to wear Grey Coats and Boots, many were as smart as they could be, taking account of their circumstances. Alcohol wasn't a feature of their lives on the road, they always seemed to have somewhere that they were travelling to.
We lived on the main Road in Wardley, Swinton, they  passing by our House on the way to the Hostel in Sharp Street in Walkden, Worsley. sometimes they would knock on our door to ask if if there was any work they could do in return for a meal. my Dad used to say that they put a mark on your house that would indicate to other Tramps that you could eat at this house. my Dad would get them to clean the grids out. i was always amazed at the stuff that they brought out, I would watch them strip off their Shirts and put their arms down the Grids and pull out stuff, Dead Birds, Moss and Toys, afterwards they would wash themselves in the Kitchen Sink.
My mum would make them piles of bacon butties, and a packed lunch to take with them. They had Mugs of Tea in Pint Pots.
I was only a young Boy then, I am grateful for a Mum and Dad who were Kind and never saw them as a nuisance and treated them with respect.
When i look back i am happy that we must have had a mark on our house that let Tramps know: you can get a meal here.
( I had a look for the Mark but never found it)

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